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BioMed Scholarships funds

AI and Data Science Masters Scholarships


The University of Birmingham

The University of Birmingham is offering AI and Data Science Masters Scholarships in 2023/24 for 7 Masters programmes to upskill students from under-represented backgrounds to progress into the AI and Data Science workforce.

ARC Research Hub


La Trobe University

Applications for 2024 scholarships are open to all students through VTAC from now until to 6 October 2023. If your application is successful, we'll match you to the scholarship or bursary that best fits your circumstances based on your eligibility.

DeepMind scholarships


Imperial College London

Beginning in 2019, the Department of Computing has received generous scholarships from DeepMind to fund MSc and PhD degrees for students from groups under-represented in computer science and AI. The scholarships are aimed at encouraging and supporting wider participation, particularly from women and those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds.

Diabetes Research Grant from the Elizabeth O’Beirne and Robert and Emmy Mather Trust Fund


University of New South Wales

Diabetes Research Grant from the Elizabeth O’Beirne and Robert and Emmy Mather Trust Fund has been developed to support UNSW research into the cause and treatment of diabetes particularly with regard to the effect causing blindness absolutely and is administered by the School of Optometry and Vision Science.

Doherty PhD Supplementary Scholarship


Australian National University (ANU)

Each year the John Curtin School of Medical Research in the ANU College of Health and Medicine may offer an award known as the Doherty PhD Supplementary Scholarship with the aim to attract students of high calibre, with clinical qualifications, to pursue postgraduate studies at the JCSMR involving a clinical research project, in order to facilitate interaction between basic biomedical science and clinical research.

European Research Council (ERC) Grants


ERC Funding

The ERC provides funding for researchers in Europe, including those working on innovative projects at the intersection of AI and drug discovery. The ERC offers various grant schemes to support different career stages.

Fellowship for Japanese Biomedical and Behavioral Researchers at NIH


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

This program is offered at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), in cooperation with the NIH’s Fogarty International Center (FIC), and the NIH Office of Intramural Research. It is designed to support meritorious biomedical and behavioral research projects undertaken in NIH laboratories by young Japanese postdoctoral researchers who intend to hold research positions at Japanese universities or other academic institutions or public institutions in Japan in the future.

Genome Engineering/ Editing Technology Initiative Program


Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF)

Acknowledging importance of strategies & techniques in genome modification, as modern day essential tool for research & development, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India along with Indo U.S. Science & Technology Forum, IUSSTF announces fellowship program between Indian institutes and premier U.S. Universities, in significant areas of Genome Engineering/Editing Technology (GETin). The program is open to individuals whose research work has an interface with Genome Engineering / Editing Technology studies.

HDR Scholarship - Adoption of AI in the Australian Healthcare System


Deakin University

PhD scholarship is available to initiate and conduct research on the topic Adoption of AI in the Australian Healthcare System'.

IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Award


IBM SkillsBuild

IBM has been known to offer Ph.D. Fellowship Awards to exceptional students pursuing research in various areas, including AI and healthcare. This award might cover tuition and provide a stipend.

Lung Infection Phd Scholarship


University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Through scholarships, UTS endeavours to reward achievement and recognise motivation to succeed. UTS is also committed to providing support to students experiencing financial hardship and/or other educational disadvantages.

MD fellowships


Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF)

The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) awards MD fellowships of up to 18 months to outstanding medical students to pursue ambitious, experimental projects in basic biomedical research worldwide. Fellowship holders must study human medicine in Germany and change cities and institutions for at least ten consecutive months to work in an internationally renowned laboratory.
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