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Educational Programs

AI For Everyone




AI General Concepts

AI is not only for engineers. If you want your organization to become better at using AI, this is the course to tell everyone--especially your non-technical colleagues--to take.

In this course, you will learn:

- The meaning behind common AI terminology, including neural networks, machine learning, deep learning, and data science
- What AI realistically can--and cannot--do
- How to spot opportunities to apply AI to problems in your own organization
- What it feels like to build machine learning and data science projects
- How to work with an AI team and build an AI strategy in your company
- How to navigate ethical and societal discussions surrounding AI

Though this course is largely non-technical, engineers can also take this course to learn the business aspects of AI.

AI Fundamentals




AI General Concepts

So what is all this AI fuss about? Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Predictive Analytics -- what is the reality behind the hype? How do machines actually learn and what are their limits? How can we use Machine Learning to recognize written digits, predict customer churn and find structure in Elon Musk's tweets? All this -- and much more -- is the topic of this course, which will introduce you to the world of AI in a gentle, but firm and very practical manner.

Advanced Certification in Data Science and AI by IIT Madras


IIT Madras, through Intellipaat


Computer Science

This online Data Science and Artificial Intelligence advanced certification course led by the IIT Madras faculty aims at helping you master all the basic and advanced level skills that are crucial in the field of Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence




AI Algorithms

This course introduces students to the basic knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning methods of artificial intelligence. Upon completion of 6.034, students should be able to develop intelligent systems by assembling solutions to concrete computational problems; understand the role of knowledge representation, problem solving, and learning in intelligent-system engineering; and appreciate the role of problem solving, vision, and language in understanding human intelligence from a computational perspective

Artificial Intelligence A-Z™: Learn How to Build an AI




Data Science

Learn key AI concepts and intuition training to get you quickly up to speed with all things AI. Covering:

How to start building AI with no previous coding experience using Python
How to merge AI with OpenAI Gym to learn as effectively as possible
How to optimize your AI to reach its maximum potential in the real world

Here is what you will get with this course:

1. Complete beginner to expert AI skills – Learn to code self-improving AI for a range of purposes. In fact, we code together with you. Every tutorial starts with a blank page and we write up the code from scratch. This way you can follow along and understand exactly how the code comes together and what each line means.

2. Code templates – Plus, you’ll get downloadable Python code templates for every AI you build in the course. This makes building truly unique AI as simple as changing a few lines of code. If you unleash your imagination, the potential is unlimited.

3. Intuition Tutorials – Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding for not only what you’re doing, but why you’re doing it. That’s why we don’t throw complex mathematics at you, but focus on building up your intuition in coding AI making for infinitely better results down the line.

4. Real-world solutions – You’ll achieve your goal in not only 1 game but in 3. Each module is comprised of varying structures and difficulties, meaning you’ll be skilled enough to build AI adaptable to any environment in real life, rather than just passing a glorified memory “test and forget” like most other courses. Practice truly does make perfect.

5. In-course support – We’re fully committed to making this the most accessible and results-driven AI course on the planet. This requires us to be there when you need our help. That’s why we’ve put together a team of professional Data Scientists to support you in your journey, meaning you’ll get a response from us within 48 hours maximum.

Artificial Intelligence Course Online


IIT Madras via Intellipaat


AI Algorithms

Intellipaat offers a comprehensive Artificial Intelligence program in association with IITM Pravartak that will help you work on today cutting-edge technology Artificial Intelligence (AI). As part of this best AI training, you will master various aspects of artificial neural networks, supervised and unsupervised learning, logistic regression with a neural network mindset, binary classification, vectorization, Python for scripting Machine Learning applications, and much more.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer Master's Program




Data Science

The Masters in Artificial Intelligence, created in partnership with IBM, introduces students to blended learning and prepares them to be specialists in AI and Data Science. In Armonk, New York, IBM is a significant cognitive service and integrated cloud solution firm that provides many technology and consulting solutions. Every year, IBM invests $6 billion in research & development and has won five Nobel prizes, nine US National Medals of Technology, five US National Medals of Science, six Turing Awards, and ten US Inventors Hall of Fame inductions. IBM is a leader in AI and Machine Learning technology verticals for 2021. This AI masters will prepare students for Artificial Intelligence, and Data Analytics careers.
What can I anticipate from the Masters in Artificial Intelligence produced by Simplilearn in conjunction with IBM?

You will obtain certificates from IBM and Simplilearn upon completing these courses. These certificates will attest to your abilities as an expert in AI. In addition, you will receive the following:

Masterclass by IBM experts
Ask me anything during sessions with IBM leadership
Hackathons conducted by IBM
Industry-recognized course completion certificate from Simplilearn

Artificial Intelligence MSc


University of Edinburgh


AI in Business

This MSc is taught at the UK's longest established centre for artificial intelligence, which remains one of the best in the world.

Many of your courses will be taught by internationally known researchers spanning a wide range of areas in artificial intelligence and also drawing on research in related fields such as neuroscience, cognitive science, linguistics, and mathematics. We aim to give you the fundamental knowledge and practical skills needed to design, build, and apply AI systems in your chosen area of specialisation.

Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree




AI Algorithms

Learn to write programs using the foundational AI algorithms powering everything from NASA’s Mars Rover to DeepMind’s AlphaGo Zero. This program will teach you classical AI algorithms applied to common problem types. You’ll master Bayes Networks and Hidden Markov Models, and more.

Artificial Intelligence Principles and Techniques


Stanford University


Machine Learning

What is this course about? The goal of artificial intelligence (AI) is to tackle complex real-world problems with rigorous mathematical tools. In this course, you will learn the foundational principles and practice implementing various AI systems. Specific topics include machine learning, search, Markov decision processes, game playing, constraint satisfaction, graphical models, and logic

Artificial Intelligence for Robotics


Stanford University via Udacity



Learn how to program all the major systems of a robotic car from the leader of Google and Stanford's autonomous driving teams. This class will teach you basic methods in Artificial Intelligence, including: probabilistic inference, planning and search, localization, tracking and control, all with a focus on robotics. Extensive programming examples and assignments will apply these methods in the context of building self-driving cars.

This course is offered as part of the Georgia Tech Masters in Computer Science. The updated course includes a final project, where you must chase a runaway robot that is trying to escape!

Artificial Intelligence: Reinforcement Learning in Python




Data Science

When people talk about artificial intelligence, they usually don’t mean supervised and unsupervised machine learning.

These tasks are pretty trivial compared to what we think of AIs doing - playing chess and Go, driving cars, and beating video games at a superhuman level.

Reinforcement learning has recently become popular for doing all of that and more.

Much like deep learning, a lot of the theory was discovered in the 70s and 80s but it hasn’t been until recently that we’ve been able to observe first hand the amazing results that are possible.

In 2016 we saw Google’s AlphaGo beat the world Champion in Go.

We saw AIs playing video games like Doom and Super Mario.

Self-driving cars have started driving on real roads with other drivers and even carrying passengers (Uber), all without human assistance.

If that sounds amazing, brace yourself for the future because the law of accelerating returns dictates that this progress is only going to continue to increase exponentially.

Learning about supervised and unsupervised machine learning is no small feat. To date I have over TWENTY FIVE (25!) courses just on those topics alone.

And yet reinforcement learning opens up a whole new world. As you’ll learn in this course, the reinforcement learning paradigm is very from both supervised and unsupervised learning.

It’s led to new and amazing insights both in behavioral psychology and neuroscience. As you’ll learn in this course, there are many analogous processes when it comes to teaching an agent and teaching an animal or even a human. It’s the closest thing we have so far to a true artificial general intelligence. What’s covered in this course?

The multi-armed bandit problem and the explore-exploit dilemma

Ways to calculate means and moving averages and their relationship to stochastic gradient descent

Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)

Dynamic Programming

Monte Carlo

Temporal Difference (TD) Learning (Q-Learning and SARSA)

Approximation Methods (i.e. how to plug in a deep neural network or other differentiable model into your RL algorithm)

How to use OpenAI Gym, with zero code changes

Project: Apply Q-Learning to build a stock trading bot

If you’re ready to take on a brand new challenge, and learn about AI techniques that you’ve never seen before in traditional supervised machine learning, unsupervised machine learning, or even deep learning, then this course is for you.

See you in class!

"If you can't implement it, you don't understand it"

Or as the great physicist Richard Feynman said: "What I cannot create, I do not understand".

My courses are the ONLY courses where you will learn how to implement machine learning algorithms from scratch

Other courses will teach you how to plug in your data into a library, but do you really need help with 3 lines of code?

After doing the same thing with 10 datasets, you realize you didn't learn 10 things. You learned 1 thing, and just repeated the same 3 lines of code 10 times...

Suggested Prerequisites:



Object-oriented programming

Python coding: if/else, loops, lists, dicts, sets

Numpy coding: matrix and vector operations

Linear regression

Gradient descent


Check out the lecture "Machine Learning and AI Prerequisite Roadmap" (available in the FAQ of any of my courses, including the free Numpy course)


Every line of code explained in detail - email me any time if you disagree

No wasted time "typing" on the keyboard like other courses - let's be honest, nobody can really write code worth learning about in just 20 minutes from scratch

Not afraid of university-level math - get important details about algorithms that other courses leave out

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